June 2023 Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness Newsletter

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Table of Contents

Dive into the world of cutting-edge beauty procedures aimed to enhance, rejuvenate, and redefine your appearance. From the body contouring prowess of BodyTite and FaceTite, the skin-tightening effects of Xeomin injections, to efficient laser hair removal, we offer a diverse range of solutions for your aesthetic needs. Experience the precise skin assessment through VISIA skin analysis and the targeted fat reduction of Sculpt Body Contouring. Explore Mystro by SkinBetter Science, a ground-breaking product promising a youthful glow. Here at Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness, we’ll help unveil the new you with our range of transformative beauty procedures.

BodyTite & FaceTite


BodyTite is our newest procedure from InMode and just may be the answer to all your body contouring needs. Not only does this minimally invasive, revolutionary procedure tighten skin, it also dissolves fat in multiple layers and contours the body by using radiofrequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL). This cutting-edge technology is combined with liposuction through very small incisions to eliminate stubborn fat, smooth cellulite, and re-contour almost anybody area imaginable with faster recovery times and virtually no pain or scarring.

While more invasive procedures, such as traditional liposuction, do remove the fat, they do nothing to tighten the skin that remains. This can leave you with sagging, loose, and wrinkly skin in the treatment area. BodyTite addresses both concerns and can be performed on many different body areas. The most common are abdomen, arms, and outer thighs, and even better- we can also treat multiple areas in just one visit.

The BodyTite technology continually measures the internal temperature of the fat layers as well as the skin’s surface temperature to provide Dr. Botros with constant feedback, allowing for greater safety and control compared to other procedures. This also provides enhanced consistency of the treatment itself and ensures that no areas are over-treated or under-treated.


FaceTite is a smaller version of the BodyTite wand. This procedure uses radiofrequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to melt excess fat in the submentum, neck, and lower face while also working to tighten the skin- leaving you without the loose, hanging skin that traditional liposuction is unable to address. FaceTite can help eliminate this fat and give you a more toned, youthful appearance. After melting the fat, Dr. Botros then proceeds with liposuction to remove it. With this procedure, you will have faster recovery times and virtually no pain or scarring compared to traditional liposuction.

As you age, your body naturally slows its collagen production which can leave you with noticeable wrinkles and sagging skin. With FaceTite, the radiofrequency- while melting fat- also stimulates your body’s own collagen production beneath the skin. Building this collagen back will help restore skin firmness and lessen the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. The revolutionary FaceTite technology measures the internal temperature of the fat layers as well as the skin’s surface temperature throughout the entire procedure to provide Dr. Botros with feedback, allowing for greater safety and control compared to other procedures. This also ensures that the treatment is consistent in each area, providing an all-over youthful appearance.

Injection Special

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Buy 40 units and get 10 units free plus $50.00 off.

*Some exclusions may apply. Offer is not valid with any other discount or Plaza Premium Membership. $50 off is from redeeming MERZ Experience points and it is not the responsibility of Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness to provide the additional $50 off.

Laser Hair Memberships at Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness

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Laser hair memberships starts at $59/per month.

Book your complimentary consultation to determine if you are an appropriate candidate. Pricing will be discussed at time of consultation.

VISIA Skin Analysis

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Find out your Tru-skin age with the VISIA, this new technology will identify hyperpigmentation, redness, wrinkles, sun damage and much more!

Ask about trying the VISIA at your next appointment.

Sculpt Body Contouring

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Sculpt cellulite reduction treatment is a body contouring treatment that improves the texture and appearance of the skin on virtually any body area. This is an FDA approved, non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that uses microwave energy to tighten and firm the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and specifically targets fat deposits and cellulite.

Schedule a complimentary consultation today to find out if Sculpt is right for you!

*to receive 20% off, 4 or more quadrants must be treated at the same appointment. Some exclusions may apply. Offer is not valid with any other discount or Plaza Premium Membership.

Facial Memberships at Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness

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Starting at:

  • Signature – $149/month
  • Deluxe – $199/month
  • Platinum – $249/month

*10% off all products & services. May rollover 2 months per year

Product of the Month at Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness

Introducing Mystro by SkinBetter Science

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Mystro by SkinBetter Science is a new way to achieve visible improvement in skin quality and glowing skin by uniquely supporting skin’s natural ability to adapt to stress and maintain balance.

Why You’ll Love It: Designed to improve visible skin quality by addressing the global appearance of redness, rough skin texture, dullness, pore size and/or uneven pigmentation.

Proprietary P.A.T.H. Technology utilizes a purposeful blend of plant-based adaptogens to uniquely support the skin’s natural ability to adapt to stress and achieve balance.

  • Improves visible skin quality in just 2 weeks.
  • Significant improvement in the appearance of redness, skin texture, dullness, pore size and uneven pigmentation after 8 weeks of twice-daily use.
  • Helps achieve glowing, healthier-looking skin.
  • 98% of patients said they felt more confident in the appearance of their skin after 12 weeks.

Aesthetics Special Platinum HydraFacialMD

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Cleanse: Deeply cleanses and exfoliates with a gentle peel to uncover a new layer of skin.

Extract: Removes impurities from pores with painless gentle suction.

Booster: Exclusive boosters address the most common skin concerns & they’re clinically proven to improve:

  • Appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Texture
  • Elasticity
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Pore size

Hydrate: Saturates the skin’s surface with intense moisturizers and nourishing, personalized ingredients.

LED Light Therapy: Deeply enhances your treatment by promoting healing within the skin.

Lymphatic Therapy: People of all ages and skin types will love lymphatic, which is known to lift and contour for an instantly sculpted look.

*this treatment is 10 % Off

If you want to start you beauty journey with Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness, contact us now and we’ll guide you through a new era of personalized aesthetic care.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Dr. Amber Botros, D.O

Dr Amber Botros, D.O

Owner & Medical Director

Dr Amber Botros is an expert in her field, her practice is centered around evidence based medicine and patient safety & satisfaction. She strives to empower her patients to love the skin they are in. Dr Botros’ specialties are aesthetics, anti-aging medicine, medical weight loss, laser hair removal and body contouring.
